High Cholesterol

High cholesterol can cause fatty deposits to develop in the
blood vessels. As these deposits grow, blood may struggle to flow through the arteries, increasing patients’ risk of a heart attack and stroke.
New Data Show Certain Demographics are Denied Cholesterol-Lowering Medication More Often
Medication access remains a hurdle for many patients, especially those prescribed cholesterol-lowering PCSK9 inhibitors.
Monitor Your Cholesterol
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Better Quality Measures
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Measuring Your Cholesterol
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Measure What Matters
1 in 4 Women
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1 in 4 Hispanic Heart Patients
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1 in 4 Black Heart Patients
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Who Needs Options for Treating High Cholesterol?
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Leading Cause of Death Among Latinos
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Women and Statin-Associated Side Effects
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Heart Attack & High Cholesterol
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Likelihood of Black Americans to Die of Heart Disease
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FH & High Cholesterol
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A Country in Cardiovascular Crisis
Cardiovascular disease has long been the number one overall cause of death in the United States. Forecasts indicate the situation will worsen.
Arizona PCSK9 Report Card - September 2022
Arizona’s rate of heart disease is higher than the national average. Yet insurers are more likely to reject Arizonans’ prescriptions for cholesterol-lowering medication.
Oklahoma PCSK9 Report Card - August 2022
Oklahoma’s rate of heart disease is higher than the national average. Yet insurers are more likely to reject Oklahomans’ prescriptions for cholesterol-lowering medication.
Texas PCSK9 Report Card - August 2022
Texas’ rate of heart disease is higher than the national average. Yet insurers are more likely to reject Texans’ prescriptions for cholesterol-lowering medication.
Arkansas PCSK9 Report Card - August 2022
Arkansas’ rate of heart disease is higher than the national average. Yet insurers are more likely to reject Arkansans’ prescriptions for cholesterol-lowering medication.
Rejected: How Life-Saving Heart Medication Eludes Women, Southerners & People of Color
Every 36 seconds, someone in the United States dies from cardiovascular disease. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, responsible for one in every four adult fatalities. Making sure patients can access medication that protects their hearts should be a top national health care priority. But recent insurance claims data […]
Angie's Struggle with Step Therapy
Angie Peterson was diagnosed with FH. Her doctor recommended one treatment - but her insurance forced her on another.
Darin's Battle with High Cholesterol
Darin Burnham had a heart attack and was denied his doctor-prescribed medication to manage his condition. Hear his story.
Latrice's Journey with High Cholesterol
Latrice Baxter went in for routine heart screens and several hours later found herself on the operating table. Hear her story.
Rejected: Patients Denied Access to Life-Saving Heart Medicine
When it comes to high cholesterol, access to the right medication could be a matter of life or death.
Lp(a) 101
One-fourth of the world’s population faces a cardiovascular risk that they’ve probably never heard of: Lp(a).
Pat's Story
Pat and her doctor worked together to find the best treatment option to help lower her cholesterol.
Lea's Story
Lea has struggled with statins in the past. But she’s not giving up the fight to lower her cholesterol.
Sissy's Story
For generations, Sissy’s family has dealt with high cholesterol. In this video, she shares her struggles with statins and explains why a patient-centered approach to high cholesterol treatment is necessary.
Patient-Centered Care for High Cholesterol
Managing high cholesterol isn’t one-size-fits-all. If the first statin isn’t right, patients and health care providers can work together to find the best treatment path.
Jeff - Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) Story
Jeff’s story explains why it’s so important to support medical innovation – and access to new medicines that result from that innovation.